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I used to capture all kinds of information about what I read, but I found that I almost never used it. I used to categorize and classify the books, and break them into fiction and nonfiction, and the gender of the author. But I never used it. So I simplified things in the text file. Today, I capture just a few pieces of information:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Date completed

I have a few symbols I use after the title which indicate information useful to me:

  • = a book I really liked, and would recommend.
    @ = audiobook
    + = e-book
    ^ = a repeated reading (that is, I have read the book more than once).

This turns out to be enough information, and to satisfy most of the questions I have about my reading list and reading habits.

All of the books I’ve read in 2014

At the command line, I simply type:

grep 2014 reading.txt

The number of books I read in 2014

Ah, but what if I want to know the number of books I read without needed to see the full list? I can type, grep 2014 reading.txt | wc -l The wc -l at the end filters the output through the word count (wc) command and gets the number of lines in the results. Since I have one line per book the resulting number is the number of books in the query:

How many Stephen King books have I read?

Regular readers know that I am a big fan of Stephen King. So how many times have I read Stephen King?

grep "Stephen King" reading.txt | wc -l

How many Stephen King books have I read more than once?

This one is only slightly more complicated. To get the answer, I run this command:

grep "Stephen King" reading.txt | grep -F ^ | wc -l

Which basically says, “Search for the term ‘Stephen King’ in reading.txt, and then take the results and search for the ^ symbol, which is my designator for a re-read, and finally count the resulting lines.

The number of times I’ve re-read Stephen King books is 16.

To see the actual books I’ve re-read, I can just leave off the final line count search, and do this:

grep "Stephen King" reading.txt | grep -F ^

When was the last time I read an Isaac Asimov book?

For that I can use the UNIX tail command:

grep "Isaac Asimov" reading.txt | tail -n1

This simply returns all of the lines from my reading list that match “Isaac Asimov” and then looks at just the last line in the results (that’s what the tail -n1 does). The last time I finished an Isaac Asimov book was on April 24, 2012. You can also see what the book was