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nmcli dev wifi con "Cafe Hotspot 1" password caffeine name "My cafe"

creates a new connection named "My cafe" and then connects it to "Cafe Hotspot 1" SSID using "caffeine" password. This is mainly useful when connecting to "Cafe Hotspot 1" for the first time. Next time, it is better to use 'nmcli con up id "My cafe"' so that the existing connection profile can be used and no additional is created.


nmcli -t -f RUNNING nm
tells you whether NetworkManager is running or not.
nmcli -t -f STATE nm
shows the overall status of NetworkManager.
nmcli radio wifi off
switches Wi‐Fi off.
nmcli -p con list
lists all connections NetworkManager has.
nmcli -f name,autoconnect con list
lists all connections' names and their autoconnect settings.
nmcli con list id "My wired connection"
lists all details of the connection with "My wired connection" name.
nmcli -p con up id "My wired connection" iface eth0
activates the connection with name "My wired connection" on interface eth0. The -p option makes nmcli show progress of the activation.
nmcli con up uuid 6b028a27-6dc9-4411-9886-e9ad1dd43761 ap 00:3A:98:7C:42:D3
connects the Wi‐Fi connection with UUID 6b028a27-6dc9-4411-9886-e9ad1dd43761 to the AP with BSSID 00:3A:98:7C:42:D3.
nmcli dev status
shows the status for all devices.
nmcli dev disconnect iface em2
disconnects a connection on interface em2 and marks the device as unavailable for auto‐connecting. That's why no connection will automatically be activated on the device until the device's "autoconnect" is set to TRUE or user manually activates a connection.
nmcli -f GENERAL,WIFI-PROPERTIES dev list iface wlan0
lists details for wlan0 interface; only GENERAL and
nmcli dev wifi
lists available Wi‐Fi access points known to NetworkManager.
nmcli dev wifi con "Cafe Hotspot 1" password caffeine name "My cafe"
creates a new connection named "My cafe" and then connects it to "Cafe Hotspot 1" SSID using "caffeine" password. This is mainly useful when connecting to "Cafe Hotspot 1" for the first time. Next time, it is better to use 'nmcli con up id "My cafe"' so that the existing connection profile can be used and no additional is created.