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Leaving for the Causeway the weather looked a bit dodgy, but quite mild at 16c for the time of year, and the closer we got to Ballintoy the poorer it became to the point it was raining slightly. However as we arrived in Ballintoy the sky started to clear and the sun threatened to shine. While Flo drove to the Giants Causeway and parked Blu, then got the bus back Lotti and I walked down to the Carrick-a-Rede bridge and enjoyed a Coffee in the sun outside the gift shop, watching tourists running from there tour buses to the rope bridge. Flo arrived back around 11:30 and we started our walk.

The walk was glorious, as the sky finally cleared and the temperature quickly rose to the low 20's. Lotti had a ball on the beach, swimming and fetching ball, although she did tire as the day progressed and the heat also took its toll on her.

The Causeway visitors center was jumping with loads enjoying the sunshine, some even having a beer outside one of the local pubs. We drove further up the road to a quite car park, where we had coffee and our scones, once again in strong autumn sun.